
New step in development of multi-system equipment will be made in two years

19 March 2015
New step in development of multi-system equipment will be made in two years
“New level of development and implementation multisystem user’s equipment will be visible in a few years, after deployment of orbital constellations European Galileo system and the Chinese BeiDou” has marked Alexey Muraviev, the representative of General Designer of user’s equipment during the Conference “Development of international cooperation and application of global navigation systems solutions for improvement of transport and cargo security” which was held in the framework of the International Forum “Security and safety technologies”.

“Today application of multisystem equipment is already a reality and is a future of satellite navigation, problems that appearing in its application may be solved quite successfully. Speaking particularly about implementation of navigation technologies in the safety, it is still applied classic pair GLONASS / GPS, but there is already exists equipment based on BeiDou and Galileo, which can be recommended for professional use. In 2-3 years we will see a new level of multisystem hardware development when deployment of European and Chinese GNSS will be in the final stage, "- he added.

The “GLONASS Herald” journal
The first version of unmanned truck “KAMAZ” with satellite navigation systems based on GLONASS may be manufactured by 2027, according to core publications. “The works are already underway. Partner companies of the manufacture would prescribe special algorithms for recognizing video sequence, create artificial intelligence and will complement trucks by navigation systems, sensors, radars and other elements. Approximate term of unmanned trucks appearance on the market is 2025 – 2027 years. For implementation of this project is required about 17-18 billion RUB,” – said in one of the articles.
The first versions of unmanned trucks KAMAZ with GLONASS-based satellite navigation systems could be manufactured by 2027, according to specialized issues.
“The work is being run already. The companies – partners of the plant will design special algorithms of video sequence recognition, create artificial intelligence and equip the trucks with navigation systems, sensors, radars and other elements. Duration guideline of unmanned trucks appearance is 2025-2027. Implementation of this project will cost towards 17-18 billion rubles”, said in one of the articles. It is checked out that up-to-date navigation technologies and control system will help the car to ride by a definitive route without a driver. First of all the system could be demanded by force structures.
According to the press service of State Research and Production Space Rocket Centre “Progress” the navigation control under the satellite “Resource-P” within the Russian constellation remote sensing is operated by using two satellite systems GLONASS and GPS.
New-generation navigation satellite GLONASS-K № 12, designed and built by ISS-Reshetnev Company, has been launched from Plesetsk space centre (Arkhangelsk Region), carried by rocket Soyuz-2 with the Fregat upper stage at night on  December 1, 2014.