Ninth Annual Baska GNSS Conference
9 February 2015

The 9th annual conference on GNSS will take place on May 10-12, 2015 at Baška island of Krk in Croatia. The organizers of event are The Royal Institute of Navigation, London, UK, Faculty of Maritime Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia and Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia, University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China.
This traditional and unique event aims to gather worldwide experts in satellite navigation and related disciplines, and focuses on GNSS resilience and GNSS applications development. The unique environment of Baška, its natural resources, and rich history and culture, combined with friendly hospitality, will again create an inspiring atmosphere for ideas and knowledge exchange, well known to those who attended the previous conferences in the series.
The following topics are to be addressed during 9th Annual Baška GNSS Conference:
• core satellite navigation systems' developments and modernization,
• satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS),
• space weather and ionospheric effects on GNSS performance and operation,
• GNSS applications for air, marine, land and personal navigation, Location-Based Services, Intelligent Transport Systems, and Search and Rescue (SaR) operations,
• resilience development against natural (space weather and ionospheric) and artificial (jamming, spoofing and meaconing) disruptions of GNSS services
• statistical and digital signal processing for electronic navigation and weak signal detection,
• GNSS receiver design (including Software-Defined and Cognitive Radio),
• contextual navigation, Location-Based Services (LBS), geospatial analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT),
• GNSS education and professional advancement,
• advanced multidisciplinary GNSS applications (in geomatics, transport, predictive analytics, remote sensing, agriculture, geodesy, forestry, tourism, environment protection, meteorology and science),
• GNSS advancements, parallels and alternatives,
• regulatory and legal aspects of GNSS utilisation,
• Special session: space weather effects on GNSS performance and operation
• Special session: European GNSS
• Special session: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
The deadline for abstracts is no later than 1 March, 2015.
For detailed information concerning event, please contact Conference and Events Manager, Sally-Anne Cooke, e-mail: , the website.
Journal “The GLONASS Herald”
This traditional and unique event aims to gather worldwide experts in satellite navigation and related disciplines, and focuses on GNSS resilience and GNSS applications development. The unique environment of Baška, its natural resources, and rich history and culture, combined with friendly hospitality, will again create an inspiring atmosphere for ideas and knowledge exchange, well known to those who attended the previous conferences in the series.
The following topics are to be addressed during 9th Annual Baška GNSS Conference:
• core satellite navigation systems' developments and modernization,
• satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS),
• space weather and ionospheric effects on GNSS performance and operation,
• GNSS applications for air, marine, land and personal navigation, Location-Based Services, Intelligent Transport Systems, and Search and Rescue (SaR) operations,
• resilience development against natural (space weather and ionospheric) and artificial (jamming, spoofing and meaconing) disruptions of GNSS services
• statistical and digital signal processing for electronic navigation and weak signal detection,
• GNSS receiver design (including Software-Defined and Cognitive Radio),
• contextual navigation, Location-Based Services (LBS), geospatial analytics and the Internet of Things (IoT),
• GNSS education and professional advancement,
• advanced multidisciplinary GNSS applications (in geomatics, transport, predictive analytics, remote sensing, agriculture, geodesy, forestry, tourism, environment protection, meteorology and science),
• GNSS advancements, parallels and alternatives,
• regulatory and legal aspects of GNSS utilisation,
• Special session: space weather effects on GNSS performance and operation
• Special session: European GNSS
• Special session: Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)
The deadline for abstracts is no later than 1 March, 2015.
For detailed information concerning event, please contact Conference and Events Manager, Sally-Anne Cooke, e-mail: , the website.
Journal “The GLONASS Herald”
Short link:
The conference starts on March 24, 2015 with the Exhibition Opening and Champagne Reception at 16:30 hrs, followed by the Opening Plenary Panel at 17:15 hrs. Afterwards a reception in the famous „Residenz München“ is giving opportunities for high-level networking with experts from industry, science and government.
The data from connected fleets is currently enabling platooning, synchromodal transport and car leasing/sharing programs in European cities. This is the very cutting edge of fleet management and it is transforming the way supply-chains, logistics and public transport are operating. Organizing committee is excited to announce that the organizations at the forefront of these concepts have just confirmed they will be speaking at Connected Fleets Europe 2015. Speakers from UPS, Scania, Iron Mountain, Telogis, Transport for London, Zipcar and more will be joining us in Amsterdam on 10-11 March.